Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

Sanders Amendment

pictures of Sanders Amendment, image of Sanders Amendment, photo of Sanders Amendment
Sanders Amendment
Sanders Amendment - : So, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) will get his vote on a single payer amendment this week. But how did this come about? Could it be that the Democratic leadership cut a deal with Sanders? Telling Sanders mdash okay, you'll get a vote
The Sanders Charade « Single Payer Action: Sanders Amendment Basic. Wed, 12/16/2009 - 10:08 mdash BlueSam. SEC. 1002. UNIVERSAL ENTITLEMENT. (a) In General.Every individual who is a resident of the United States and is a citizen or national of the United States or lawful resident
Lieberman Will Try And Take Credit For The Passing Of A: Republicans Obstruct Health Care Debate By Demanding 2.5 Hour Reading Of Sanders' Single-Payer Amendment - At approximately noon today, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) took to the Senate floor to introduce his single-payer amendment.
AMERICAblog News: Good Rebuttal To Nate Silver On The "benefits: Sen. Tom Coburn has just demanded that the Senate clerk read the single-payer amendment offered by Sen. Bernie Sanders mdash and it's 767 pages. Typically, Senators offering amendments will ask for unanimous consent to avoid reading the

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